Nelkoski Organic Food - Pioneering Zero Waste with Collaborative Innovation
At Nelkoski Organic Food, our unwavering commitment to sustainability extends to our pledge of achieving zero waste. In partnership with esteemed organizations like GIZ GTZ, IME, and HALBA/COOP, we have embarked on a transformative journey. Our collective objective: harness the full potential of hazelnut shells and orchard branches, reducing waste to its absolute minimum.
This journey has led to a significant investment in a state-of-the-art pellet production line for heating. The outcome is twofold: not only do we minimize waste, but we also create an additional value stream that contributes significantly to our sustainability strategy. The pellets produced will find their way back to our hazelnut producers, fostering long-term cooperation and a shared commitment to sustainability.
Nelkoski Organic Food’s dedication to zero waste is not just a pledge; it’s a collaborative endeavor that echoes our commitment to sustainable practices and a greener future.